Accessibility, connections and empowerment

Greater Manchester Access provides information about job vacancies, learning opportunities and career development for people within Greater Manchester.

Empowering you to develop your career

We empower people by signposting them to the latest job vacancies and learning opportunities, whilst also providing tools and guidance to enhance their career opportunities.

a Job Seeker
  • an Employee
  • an Employer
  • a Job Seeker
  • a Parent
  • a Student
  • a Teacher
looking for
a career in Health Care
  • a career in Health Care
  • a career in Social Care
  • a career in Health or Social Care
  • Job opportunities
  • a Job in the NHS
  • a Job in Social Care
  • Apprenticeships
  • Career support
  • a Kickstart Placement
  • information about Step into Care
  • information about Volunteering
a Doctor
  • Healthcare
  • an Allied Health Professional
  • an Ambulance Services worker
  • a Dentist
  • a Doctor
  • a Health Informatics worker
  • a Health Care Scientist
  • a Health Care Support Worker
  • a Manager
  • a Medical Associate Professional
  • a Midwife
  • a Nurse
  • a Pharmacist
  • a Psychological Professional
  • a Public Health worker
  • a member of a Wider Health Care Team

Looking for information about primary care careers in Greater Manchester?

Please note that the Greater Manchester Primary Care Careers websites are unavailable while the team focus on redeveloping the digital workforce offer for Greater Manchester Primary Care.

Read more about what is happening and the websites that are affected.

In the meantime, visitors are being redirected to this website as we provide a wide range of information about:

Careers support


Explore the different career support that is available.

Health care careers


Get started by exploring the health care careers that are available.

Social care careers

Ancillary roles

Find out more about the different social care careers that are available.

GM Recruitment and retention toolkit

Recruitment and retention toolkit
Greater Manchester Recruitment and retention toolkit - Recruitment Greater Manchester Recruitment and retention toolkit - Retention Greater Manchester Recruitment and retention toolkit - Exit Greater Manchester Recruitment and retention toolkit - Attraction Greater Manchester Recruitment and retention toolkit - Inclusive recruitment Greater Manchester Recruitment and retention toolkit - Readiness to work Greater Manchester Recruitment and retention toolkit - Shortlisting and selection Greater Manchester Recruitment and retention toolkit - Onboarding Greater Manchester Recruitment and retention toolkit - Flexible working Greater Manchester Recruitment and retention toolkit - Support and preceptorship Greater Manchester Recruitment and retention toolkit - Wellbeing Greater Manchester Recruitment and retention toolkit - Talent management

The Greater Manchester Recruitment and retention toolkit contains practical tools, including videos, case studies and links to resources, all aimed at helping you improve the recruitment processes within your organisation.

Health and wellbeing

Psychological Professions

Find out about the various health and wellbeing resources for you in the workplace.

GM Cancer Academy

GM Cancer Academy plan

Learn about the workforce training and education services provided by the Greater Manchester Cancer Academy.

GM Primary Care Provider Board


Learn how Greater Manchester Primary Care Provider Board supports the community pharmacy, dentistry, general practice and optometry workforce.

Job opportunities


Use GM Access to find job opportunities within Greater Manchester.