Stockport NHS Foundation Trust support staff by ensuring that they have access to mandatory training delivered in a variety of ways including face to face, e-learning and videos.
All new staff, including bank and agency staff complete a local induction within four weeks of their first day of employment. This is completed with their line manager and gives them awareness of local arrangements and mandatory training requirements.
The Trust provides a number of programmes to develop key leadership behaviours and skills across all levels of management. Coaching and mentoring support can be accessed when changing roles, to manage change, improve performance, develop skills and manage behaviours.
All staff receive an annual appraisal to discuss their performance over the previous year with their line manager. Clear objectives are set at appraisal so that individuals and their manager know what they will be working on over the coming months. Appraisal is also an opportunity to discuss personal development needs and to agree education and training objectives for the coming year in a Personal Development Plan.