Your Pension scheme has a lot to offer, it provides competitive benefits to support you to live well in later life, and can provide benefits for your loved ones should the worst happen.
The NHS Pension scheme in particular is a highly regarded scheme. You’re unlikely to find the same level of personal and dependent cover for the same amount anywhere else.
There are also flexible ways to use your pension in later career, where you can find balance between work and what matters most to you.

Useful resources
Pension information can be complex. This page brings together resources to give you an overview of the schemes and the benefits.
For individual advice it is strongly recommended you speak to your pensions teams at work, or to an independent financial advisor.
NHS Pensions Business Service Authority is the official body and website for the NHS Pension scheme. This website includes comprehensive and up to date information on the pension scheme and related benefits.
Resources on flexible pension options for those in later career
NHS Pension Scheme retirement flexibilities poster
Comparing the different sections of the NHS Pension Scheme
Primary Care Support England retirement guide (for those with NHS Pension benefits only) – pcse-retirment-guide-v10.pdf (
The BMA Website contains useful information for UK Doctors’ occupational pensions, including the NHS pension scheme. Please note the information contained on the BMA website is specific to Doctors only.