

The UK job market remains competitive however, it’s important to recognise that it has been shaped by the pandemic, with many employees adopting a new outlook and reassessing their work-life balance values. Straightforward application processes, flexibility and enjoyable employee-first working environments are now among the key factors that are encouraging people to work within the sector. 

Photograph of Oldham Recruitment Event held on 18th January 2023, delivered in partnership with the Workforce Delivery Workstream, GM Integrated Care Board
Photograph of Oldham Recruitment Event held on 18th January 2023, delivered in partnership  
with Northern Care Alliance and NHS Greater Manchester

It’s widely recognised that in order to find new talent without poaching from other organisations or relying on agency staff, organisations must diversify the way they attract candidates.

This section shares some of the solutions to the recruitment issues we are currently facing. It’s aimed at helping us think differently about our approaches and break the norms of organisational culture.

GM health and social care vacancy data 

There is an urgent need to change the way we recruit in the health and social care sector to protect our future pipeline and workforce sustainability. 

Infographic that demonstrates the total number of job vacancies for the year 2021/22 for GM Trusts and Social Care Organisations
Infographic that demonstrates the total number of job vacancies for the year 2021/22 for GM Trusts and Social Care Organisations. Data provided by Skills for Care and the GM Virtual Workforce Intelligence Team.
Infographic that demonstrates the total number of job vacancies each month for the year 2021/22 for GM Trusts and Social Care Organisations
Infographic that demonstrates the total number of job vacancies each month for the year 2021/22 for GM Trusts and Social Care Organisations. Data provided by Skills for Care and the GM Virtual Workforce Intelligence Team.

If you are interested in finding up to date workforce intelligence data for GM click here, or contact for access

The Greater Manchester Combined Authority’s (GMCA) Work and Skills Team continues to monitor employment and skills trends among local people and their sector-wide impact on future workforce pipelines. 

As you can see from the excerpt below, which has been taken from the latest GM Labour Market Plan, there has been a post-pandemic shift towards: 

  • More home working 
  • Increased use of digital technology and workplace automation
  • More flexible working 
  • Shifting away from ‘jobs for life’
Post-pandemic trends in the Greater Manchester Labour Market
Greater Manchester Employment & Skills Advisory Panel (Version 2, March 2022) Greater Manchester Local Skills Report and Labour Market Plan. Page 16, Post-pandemic trends in the Greater Manchester Labour Market (Accessed: 9 February 2023)

Useful links and resources