Cancer Care Coordinator

Introduction to the Role
The Cancer Care Coordinator (CCC) plays a pivotal role in supporting multidisciplinary teams and coordinating the pathway for patients with a cancer referral. CCC’s have an important role in providing Personalised Care Support Planning & Cancer Care Reviews.
The Cancer Care Coordinator is an evolving role within cancer care that has become the first point of contact for patients from the moment they are placed on a suspected cancer pathway, ensuring that all patients with a cancer diagnosis receive support information within 3 months of diagnosis, and a standalone holistic cancer care review within 12 months. The role aims to improve patient experience, early diagnosis, & integrated care. It also aims to improve coordination of the patient pathway, providing better psychosocial support & reducing unwarranted variation in quality of cancer care across Greater Manchester.

Role Career Development & Pathway
There are no formal qualifications or experience required for the position however candidates would be expected to hold a general understanding of the role of a Cancer Care Co-ordinator and their responsibilities within cancer.
Greater Manchester Cancer Academy is a great way to increase your knowledge of cancer pathways. A fantastic starting point is the Cancer 101 Module. The academy is free at the point of access and can help you understand cancer care in more depth.
Job Description Example
The CCC will work collaboratively with MDT’s, by being a single point of contact for patients or their relatives during their cancer journey. They can answer any questions and help to overcome any problems, linking in and signposting to services such as Macmillan & acting as a point of contact for local hospices.
The Cancer Care Coordinator will also assist practices in increasing screening uptake, raising awareness of other cancers, and chasing suspected cancer referrals to ensure patients are seen within the 2-week time frame. The Cancer Care Coordinator will also focus on patient review and follow up for a period after a cancer diagnosis, this will be a holistic review in which the Coordinator will offer support and signpost the patient to any services that may be beneficial to them.