When things go wrong, we need to make sure that lessons are learnt, and things are improved.
If we think something might go wrong, it’s important that we all feel able to speak up to stop potential harm.
Even when things are good, but could be even better, we should feel able to say something and be confident that our suggestion will be used as an opportunity for improvement.
Freedom to Speak Up (FTSU) is for anyone who works or volunteers in the health sector and is a clear and simple process for staff to be able to raise their concerns, all of which will be acted upon, without fear of detriment for speaking up.
In our new organisation we are keen to embed a culture that encourages all colleagues to be open and honest about their experience of work, where we encourage speaking up.
We aim to:
- create a culture where all staff feel safe to raise concerns
- enable our leaders to be responsive to concerns and act on these promptly
- celebrate concerns raised and share the learning to improve patient safety
FTSU is about providing a safe space in which people can speak up about anything that gets in the way of doing a great job.

Freedom to Speak Up Guardians
Our FTSU Champions can be found working across Greater Manchester and all of them work for our new organisation. Staff can contact any of the named FTSU Guardians / Champions on the list below, who will be happy to support you.
You can read more about FTSU on the National Guardian website.
Our NHS GM Freedom to Speak Up Lead is Luzani Moyo Luzani.moyo1@nhs.net
We are in the early stages of developing NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care’s approach to Freedom to Speak Up.
We want to ensure that all colleagues have access to a FTSU Guardian.
If there was a FTSU Guardian in your previous organisation please continue to contact them.
For staff who have transferred from the organisations listed below please contact their FTSU Guardians, who will be happy to support you.
Manchester Integrated Care | Alexia Mitton | alexia.mitton@wiganboroughccg.nhs.uk |
Greater Manchester Integrated Care | Christopher Buckley | christopher.buckley3@nhs.net |
Claire Vaughan | claire.vaughan@nhs.net | |
Erin Protsmouth | erin.portsmouth@nhs.net | |
Hamed Heshamati | hamed.heshmati@nhs.net | |
Luzani Moyo | Luzani.moyo1@nhs.net | |
Roisin Reynolds | roisin.reynolds1@nhs.net | |
Shavarnah Purves | shavarnah.purves@nhs.net |