Find out more about different job opportunities within Greater Manchester Health and Care. Currently, job opportunities are listed several different job boards. This page provides you with relevant information and the appropriate links to take you to the suitable web pages and help navigate your search. Please find more information about different sites offering roles in Greater Manchester Health and Care below.

Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership
Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership connects individuals with Health and Social Care Organisations across the Greater Manchester footprint. You can find the latest job vacancies for Midwifery, Nursing, Health Science Services, Administrative Services and Director roles at
Find out more about GM Integrated Care Partnership
NHS Jobs
NHS Jobs is a dedicated online recruitment service for the NHS. NHS organisations in England and Wales advertise job opportunities with NHS Jobs, with over 20,000 new listings each month.
The NHS Jobs page on GM Access provides a filterable feed showing jobs within Greater Manchester.
Find out more about GM Access NHS Jobs feed

Greater Manchester NHS Trust Provider Job Boards
Each NHS Trust Provider in Greater Manchester has their own website containing information about the Trust, careers and current job vacancies.
Use GM Access to easily access information for NHS Trusts in Greater Manchester.
Find out more about GM NHS Trust Job Boards pulls together public sector roles from 12 local authorities and key services in the North West. This includes vacancies from schools, colleges and academies, as well as NHS, Transport for Greater Manchester, third sector organisations and other customers.
You can set up job alerts specific to your criteria, so you will get notified when new opportunities are advertised.
Find out more about

Trac.Jobs allows you to access all the latest vacancies and courses from all the UK’s largest job boards within the Health and Public Sectors.
Create an account at and you will have access to a range of different services tailored to your needs. You can apply for jobs and track the progress of your applications including employment checks, appointments and more.